Present Continuous утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to be у теперішньому неозначеному часі і дієприкметника теперішнього часу (Present Participle) відмінюваного дієслова.
Open the bracets using Present Continuous.
1. Не (to read) ............. a book now.
2. She (to do) ............. her home work.
3. My mother (to sit) the table
4. I still (to write) .............. a letter.
5. They (to play) .............. football.
6. It (to snow) ............... now.
7. We (to have) ................ dinner now.
8. It still (to rain)............... .
9. Why .............. you (to talk)?
10. The girl (to draw).............. a picture
at the moment.
Open the bracets using Present Continuous(negative and questions)
1. Mary is sleeping.
2. You are listening to the radio.
3. I am studying.
4. You are eating now.
5. We are drinking coffee at the moment.
Game: Show me!!
You are playing computer games.
You are reading a book.
You are cleaning your eye glasses.
You are painting a picture of a person.
You are putting on your socks.
You are making tea.
You are cooking an egg.
You are walking in the rain.
You are brushing your hair.
You are taking a photograph.
You are dancing.
You are brushing your teeth.
You are sweeping the street.
You are riding a camel.
You are crossing the street.
You are drinking beer.
You are holding a baby.
You are eating an ice cream cone.
You are writing on the whiteboard.
You are playing a guitar/piano.
You are eating steak.
You are getting your hair cut.
You are taking a bath.
You are taking a shower.
You are riding the bus.
You are trying to catch a taxi.
You are looking for food in your
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