неділя, 4 грудня 2016 р.

Verbs referring to mental and emotional states
Believe, doubt, feel, imagine, know, dislike, love, hate, prefer, realise, recognise, remember, see, suppose, think, understand, want, wish
Verbs referring to the uses of the senses
Appear, hear, look, see, seem, smell, taste

a) Why are you smelling the soup?
b) Why do you smell the soup?
   a) She was feeling his arm on her shoulder.
   b) She felt his arm on her shoulder.
a) Are you having an English dictionary?
   b) Do you have an English dictionary?

   a) I am feeling much better today.
   b) I feel much better today.

   a) What are you thinking about?
   b) What do you think about?

   a) What are you looking at?
   b) What do you look at?

   a) I am not hearing you.
   b) I can't hear you.

   a) What are you thinking of me?
   b) What do you think of me?

   a) This bread is tasting funny.
   b) This bread tastes funny.

   a) I am feeling we should go home now.
   b) I feel we should go home now.

1. They … for us near the door.
2. Harry … television every day.
3. What … in the room now?
4. Ann … French at all.
5. Mr. Scott … German to Ann at the moment.
6. I am busy now. I … to the radio.
7. They … to the seaside every summer.
8. No, I … the newspaper at the moment.
9. No, she … in this house.
10. Where … he is from?

Present Continuous


Present Continuous утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to be у теперішньому неозначеному часі і дієприкметника теперішнього часу (Present Participle) відмінюваного дієслова. 

Open the bracets using Present Continuous.
 1. Не (to read) ............. a book now.
 2. She (to do) ............. her home work.
 3. My mother (to sit) ...........at the table now.
 4. I still (to write) .............. a letter.
 5. They (to play) .............. football.
 6. It (to snow) ............... now.
 7. We (to have) ................ dinner now.
 8. It still (to rain)............... .
 9. Why .............. you (to talk)?
 10. The girl (to draw).............. a picture at the moment.
 Open the bracets using Present Continuous(negative and questions)

 1. Mary is sleeping.
 2. You are listening to the radio.
 3. I am studying.
 4. You are eating now.
 5. We are drinking coffee at the moment.

                            Game: Show me!!

You are playing computer games.
You are reading a book.
You are cleaning your eye glasses.
You are painting a picture of a person.
You are putting on your socks.
You are making tea.
You are cooking an egg.
You are walking in the rain.
You are brushing your hair.
You are taking a photograph.
You are dancing.
You are brushing your teeth.
You are sweeping the street.
You are riding a camel.
You are crossing the street.
You are drinking beer.
You are holding a baby.
You are eating an ice cream cone.
You are writing on the whiteboard.
You are playing a guitar/piano.
You are eating steak.
You are getting your hair cut.
You are taking a bath.
You are taking a shower.
You are riding the bus.
You are trying to catch a taxi.

You are looking for food in your refrigerator.

                    Adverbs of Manner

                   What is an adverb of manner?

Adverbs of manner describe how something happens. For example, it is possible to walk or run at different speeds. The words used to describe walking or running at different speeds (quickly or slowly for example) are excellent examples of adverbs of manner. They help the reader gain greater insight into the way a written scene is playing out. 

Do a short exercise:

Modal verb CAN

Дієслово can
Present Simple
Past Simple
Subjunctive Mood
will/shall be able toFuture Simple
Can he swim?
can take a day off
We couldn't arriveearlier.
She could dance as a true ballerina.
could easily getanother job.
Could I come at 10
Soon I shall be able to speak Japanese.
Will you be able to
pay the debt next month?
1. Уміння,здатність здійснювати дію
He can stand on my hands.
I can't pay you today. Can you wait till
She could run very fast when she was a girl.
2. Реальна чи передбачувана можливість
They can go to the Crimea by car.
It can be very cold here in April.
Who could have broken the vase?
3. Сумнів у можливості чогось
Can it be still working?
He can hardly be at home now. It's only 4.
He can't have done it alone.
4. Втрачена можливість, докір
could have lent you the money. Why didn't you ask?
You could have told me the truth.
5. Прохання, дозвіл, заборона, пропозиція
Could you do me a favour please?
You can watch TV as long as you like.
You can't smoke here.
Can I get you some more coffee?
6. Намір (вживається лише з  could)
I wrote down her address so that I could remember it.